Balance, Inc. is an organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for persons with developmental disabilities. We provide services to individuals that promote personal dreams and needs.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ozaukee County offers mentoring programs to fit the academic and social needs of children ages 5 to 17. Our programs help youth to achieve academic success and more!
Family Sharing provides food, at no charge, to people in need in Ozaukee County. All donations of food are distributed directly to those who need it. We are…for Ozaukee, from Ozaukee.Family Sharing pr
We are 100 strong serving our Community with yearly Scholarship Awards, SOFTBALL CONCESSION STAND, BEER TASTING & Wine Tasting, our Annual CHICKEN ROAST, GALA - MUSIC IN THE PARK, ANNUAL GOLF OUTING, PUMPKIN PANCAKE BREAKFAST, WISCONSIN LOTTERY PULL TABS and our 9 PIN TAP BOWLING TOURNAMENT. We also support the Recycle for Sight eyeglass program.
Habitat for Humanity Ozaukee is a local affiliate and serves all of Ozaukee County through our home builds and repairs programs. We are always looking for home owners and volunteers
Interfaith Caregivers of Ozaukee County's mission is enabling seniors and individuals with disabilities to remain independent in their home.
The Ozaukee Nonprofit Center (ONC), a 501 (c)(3), is a unique place where human service nonprofits share space, resources, expertise, expenses and a passion for serving the community.
Portal, inc has continuously served adults and transitioning-age youth (high school students) with disabilities since 1965. Individuals learn to improve upon strengths and live more independently.