Family, Elderly & Child ServicesVolunteer Organizations
Interfaith Ozaukee volunteers serve Ozaukee County seniors in a number of ways:
- Provide transportation to medical appointments, the grocery story, pharmacy and other essential errands
- Make friendly visits or reassuring phone calls to help seniors feel less isolated and more connected to the community
- Provide non-medical respite so caregivers can have time away to attend to their own needs
- Assist with programs that help educate the community on issues that impact seniors
- Assist with our Health Equipment Lending Program (HELP Program). Through this program, adult residents of Ozaukee County can rent
mobility equipment (walkers, wheelchairs and canes) for a small refundable deposit.
- Assist with engagement projects to help seniors feel less isolated and lonely. Our Holiday Gift Bag Program is one example of an
engagement project. Volunteers in this program collect, sort, bag and deliver donated items (hats/gloves/scarves, treats, personal care
items, etc.) to our senior clients. For many seniors, this is the only gift they receive during the holiday season and it makes their holiday
much brighter.