Kathy Bergmann, certified educator of infant massage, will demonstrate how to perform basic infant massage stroke techniques, as well as identify the benefits of infant massage for the infant and caregiver. Kathy will share research regarding the benefits of touch in the healthy growth and development of a child. Caregivers are invited to attend with babies from birth to 10 months old. Free limited childcare is available for older siblings (advanced registration required). (262) 376-7774
Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM CDT
Wednesdays (Oct. 4 - Nov. 1), 9:30-10:30 am
Ozaukee Family Services
4922 Columbia Road
info@ozaukeefamilyservices.org OR (262) 376-7774
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Printed courtesy of www.grafton-wi.org – Contact the Grafton Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
, Grafton, WI 53024 – (262) 377-1650 – chamber@grafton-wi.org